
Transport information


Most of our products are stored in Amazon warehouses in the United States, so buyers living in the United States can enjoy faster delivery services. However, some products still have to be delivered from China, and the delivery time will take longer.

Order Processing

  • We process orders within 2-3 business days, excluding weekends and holidays.
  • Successfully placed orders will receive an e-mail confirmation with the order details. If you do not receive an e-mail, please check your spam filter or contact us for confirmation.
  • If you need any assistance with your order, please contact us immediately at We will not be able to make changes to your order after it has shipped.
  • Please review and ensure that you have entered the correct address. We are not responsible for non-delivery due to errors in the address that you provide. If an order is returned due to an incorrect address, we will refund the original order (excluding the shipping fee) and ask that you re-submit your order.

*packages may be charged import duties and/or customs fees; these fees   are determined by customs officials and are not included in the shipping   cost. Customers are responsible for any applicable charges.